
ֶָ֢ : ATHARVA: ֶָ֢

My glare fixed on this two laughing like dogs rolling on the floor while i sat in my chair and looked at them blankly, veer was beside me he looked at me amused

"Are you serious" Veer said looking at me while i nodded

"Yeah i am" he signed

"Man you are in deep shit" i nodded

I know!

"Veer, if you don't stop them i'll bury these two alive"i said they both stopped and cleared their throats looking at each other

"Okay stop it and let's focus on the problem so where do we find your fake girlfriend" veer said

"I don't know buddy" i groaned

"Don't worry guys i am here"Rahul said we looked at him and i raised a brow

"Girls" he shouted and the door opened few girls came and we all looked at them shocked

"WHAT THE FUCK"i gritted

"Damn" xavier muttered looking at them i smacked his head

veer was too stunned to speak

"Guys before you all curse me,they are here to be atharva's fake girlfriend"he smiled

"All of them"he glared at us

"Idiots, we will see who's best"he said we nodded

"it's not that bad idea"veer muttered me and xavier nodded

"See, i'm always best"Rahul grinned praising himself

"Ahem, okay lets present our first girl and by the way atharva they are big fans of you" he said the girls looked at me and giggled while i looked at them awkwardly

"This is eva, eva darling show us your performance"

"and imagine veer is your father in law" he said and that eva girl looked at me i shifted in my seat uncomfortable with all this

she came towards me and the next second my eyes widened as she sat on my lap

"Hello sir, this is eva" she smiled at veer i sat there frozen

"No" we all shouted and i pushed her from my lap

"Gurl, you are not supposed to sit on his lap when his parents are there" Rahul said

"Okay, next one this is Maddison" her dress was too short and I can almost see her tits no fucking way




This is all happening since few minutes

I didn't liked anyone and I don't know from where the fuck he found them

"This is last" Rahul said

"Rose, Darling" we looked at the girl stunned who took few steps and fainted

"I'm done with this shit" i signed and held my head in my hands

"Me to" veer muttered he looks traumatized

"Can't you guys just choose one" he glared at us

Xavier snorted behind us

"You dumbass let me teach you,you guys know nothing"

"girls come here" he said and sat on the chair while all the girls surrounded him

The door suddenly opened my eyes opened seeing who it was

My dad was looking at us with wide eyes and we all shook his head and pointed towards him

Our faces paled seeing another person behind him

"Who the f" Rahul was about to say and his tongue got tied his face paled

"Oh my god, I'm so gonna enjoy this" xavier whispered

"Da..d" he stuttered

"What the fuck are you doing Rahul Khanna" his voice boomed on the entire floor

All the girls immediately left

"We will go uncle, we have somewhere to go see you" we said and left one by one

He was still glaring at him it'll literally make a hole on his head

Rahul looked at us betrayed while we smiled sheepishly and left

"You idiots, don't leave meee"

"Ahh dad no it's not like that" we closed our eyes hearing his shouts

"This boy" dad shook his head and let out a laugh

"I hope he stays alive" veer muttered

"Yeah let's pray" xavier said

I turned to dad and looked at him

"What's the matter, you are here" i asked him

"You forgot we have to go to a charity event and visit the orphanage today" he said

I remembered i completely forgot about that in the chaos

"Sorry dad, i forgot" i mumbled

"It's okay let's go" he said

"I'm free, I'll come with you" veer said i nodded

We looked at xavier

"I have somewhere to go" he said

"Okay then see you" we hugged each other

Then we also left with dad marco was driving the car

"I can't believe my son fall in love" dad said

"Mee to"Veer said and smiled at me i throw him a glare

"So when will i meet her" he asked excited me and veer looked at each other

"Soon dad" i said faking a smile

• • •

We reached there and dad was talking with some people while veer and i were roaming around the place

"Hey hait here,mom is calling me I'll come in a minute" i nodded and he left

While i was looking around the place suddenly i heard somebody giggling i turned to that direction

A girl was talking with a kid i didn't saw her face as i was facing her back

Slowly she turned my eyes widened unknowingly a smile formed on my face

"Stranger" i whispered looking at her she was talking with that little kid but what is she doing here

"Excuse me" i called the old man who was sitting there he came to me

"Do you know her" i asked him he looked at her nodded smiling

"Yes son" he said

"Can you tell me why is she here" i asked

"Somebody left her in our orphanage when she was a little girl even after growing up she never left us she always visits us and stay here for few days"

"Everybody here loves her so much she always help people she is so kind" he said

while i looked at her i can't imagine what she went through still she is happy i never saw a girl this strong in my life

"What is her name" i asked him he replied

"Arohi" I whispered smiling then veer came to me

"Yo what are you smiling at" he frowned i looked at that direction but no one was there she was right here where did she go

"Atharva" i came out of my thoughts huh

"Are you okay" he asked i Nodded

"Let's go then" we both left from there i looked at the place one last time thinking about her while veer was blabbering something

"Are you listening" he looked at me i nodded

"Where are you lost" i shaked my head

"Nothing Buddy" i said he nodded unconvinced

Dad went to home We both went back to Raichand's as today i have to hire a new assistant for me

Yeah i because i fired the previous one

While we both walked everybody stood up and greeted us i nodded at them

"Don't give that look everyone will shit in their pants" he laughed i rolled my eyes

"Do you think Rahul is alive he's not answering my calls" he said

"Let's hope he's alive" i chuckled and opened the door

"You are so beautiful emily thank you" he whispered as she was gigling

"What the fuck is happening here"

Hearing my voice he looked like a kid who caught stealing Candy's while my one look was enough emily ran away from there

"Man you gotta stop scaring People like that" He whispered and hissed rubbing his cheek which was a bit swollen

"Then you have to fucking stop flirting with my employees" i grunted he rolled his eyes

"Looks like you got some nice scolding"

And he glared at us

"She was helping me, look my cute cheek is swollen because of you guys"

"You traitors"he scowled and sat on my chair i raised my brow and shaked my head this guy

"Who came with the stupid idea"

"It wasn't stupid" he mumbled i turned to veer

"I'll see you in the evening i have to interview for my new assistant" i said veer nodded

"And don't forget to take this trash with you" i said to veer pointing at Rahul

"Hey I'm not trash you both are so mean"Rahul huffed we both laughed at him.


So how's the chapter guys?

What will happen when these two

meet each other again this time

not as strangers

Let's see stay tuned ;-)♡

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